2023 Discovering the Power of the VR-Haptics Community

When it all began: 28/11/2023

The VR-Haptic Thinkers Meetup held at the Institute of Dentistry, UEF, Kuopio, Finland, in November 2023, was the first of its kind on VR-haptics-supported dental education.


The meetup organization was a great success, garnering attention from scientists and educators from all around the world. Participants were pleased to learn about the new VR-haptic winds from renowned speakers.

Eyes on the Future

Encouraged by the reception and with strengthened ties to relevant organizations, we are forging our way ahead to ensure the continued dissemination of the latest knowledge in VR-haptic dental education.

World's youngest but largest...

The use of VR-haptics in dental education and research allows for the gain of meaningful behavioral insights with a level of accuracy you could expect from real-world simulation and clinical training. The VR-Haptic Thinkers Meetup is one of the world's youngest conferences but was also the largest event on VR-haptic dental education in 2023. The conference brought together businesses and high academics from around the dental world to showcase the usefulness of VR-haptic technology and its applications.

Curious to know where the 2023 event attendees were from?

2023 Invited Speakers

To see the presentation by the speaker, please click the small YouTube icon link below their profile.

Carlos Serrano


Academic Centre of Dentistry Amsterdam

Dive into our library of the 2023 e-Posters


Closing remarks

Professor Barry Quinn, ADEE Secretary General


The 2024 Meetup - A Truly Global Experience...

The second VR-Haptic Thinkers Meetup was held at the University of Utah, Salt lake City, Utah, USA.
The number of attendees both online and on-site happily exceeded all expectations.

A fleeting thought...
Our journey this year was full of laughter and growth.
We are forever grateful for the lessons learned and memories made, while also being excited for what the future will bring!

Meet our awesome speakers

Our speakers from all around the world are our greatest asset! To see each individual presentation, please click the small YouTube icon link in the speaker profiles.

Barry Quinn

University of Liverpool, UK

Ben Audsley

Queen Mary University London, UK

Octave Bandiaky

University of Nantes, France

Ali Shazib

Workman School of Dental Medicine, NC, USA

Murat Mutluay

University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Masako Nagasawa

Niigata University, Japan

Szabi Felszeghy

University of Eastern Finland, Finland

Simona Schick

University of Heidelberg, Germany

Mark Durham

University of Utah, USA

Samantha Byrne

University of Melbourne, Australia

Mahmoud Bakr

University of Griffith, Australia

Thomas Greany

University of Colorado, USA

Jorge Tricio-Pesce

Universidad de los Andes, Chile

Damiano Pasqualini

University of Turin, Italy

Gülsün Gül


Chief, Innovation, Clinical Education and Public Health at ADEA