Personal Growth for Both Mentors and Mentees

Best Preclinical Innovation Case Studies Awards in Dentistry: Cariology, Endodontics, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics This award program recognizes outstanding preclinical innovation case studies in four key dental specialties, offering a 200 € honorarium for each winning entry.

Best Clinical Innovation Case Studies Awards in Dentistry: Cariology, Endodontics, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics This award program recognizes outstanding clinical innovation case studies in four key dental specialties, offering a 200 € honorarium for each winning entry.


Whether it is a haptics-reinforced virtual tool or a real handpiece, use it!


This award program recognizes outstanding student skills and knowledge across eight categories, offering a total prize pool of 3,200 €.

 Participant categories for the upcoming VR-Haptic & REAL WORLD Skills Competition.

 We have structured the competition into two main categories to accommodate participants with varying levels of experience:

Category A: Handpiece-Naïve

Category A: Handpiece-Naïve
This category is open to participants with no prior experience using a dental handpiece. It welcomes: dental students in their early years of study. Medical students Dental hygienist students Any other healthcare students interested in improving their manual dexterity.

Category B: Advanced

Category B: Advanced This category is designed for participants with prior training in real manual skills training scenarios.

YOU CAN REGISTER AT ANY TIME BEFORE the 1st of  April, 2025.